Learn More About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
We often beam with pride watching our friends and female family members show off their baby bumps in real life and also on social media. While we are genuinely thrilled for them, watching other families so easily grow may be quite painful if you are having difficulty becoming pregnant. It may make you feel even worse if you have also gone through repeated pregnancy loss. Struggling with infertility may make you feel alone, broken, or damaged, almost as if something is innately wrong with you. When determining what the cause is for your infertility, you may recognize somewhat abnormal symptoms. If you are experiencing these symptoms, along with irregular periods, you may want to talk to our doctor about diagnostic testing and treatment for what is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Currently, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome has no known or official cause, only suspected genetic and environmental causes. PCOS occurs when a woman’s ovaries or adrenal glands generate too much of a male hormone for the female reproductive system to efficiently handle. This may mean you have learned to live with excess hair growth in all the wrong places, irregular or heavy periods, acne, weight gain, obesity, or emotionally heartbreaking infertility. If you think you may have PCOS, there are a few things to consider.
First of all, PCOS is frequently misdiagnosed. Initially, when women receive consultations about their symptoms, the hormonal imbalances are not considered the cause off the bat. Many women are not diagnosed until years have passed, symptoms have worsened, and infertility has settled in.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is often associated with insulin resistance. If you have been misdiagnosed previously, mention this symptom to our physician and ask to be tested specifically for this. There is no cure for PCOS, but symptoms can be managed and conditions may be reversed if you monitor and treat them carefully.
That tinge of jealousy you may feel as you attend baby shower after baby shower may sting, but hope is not entirely lost if you are struggling with infertility. If you are dealing with a scale that will not budge, acne, excess hair growth, and irregular periods, see if Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome may be the culprit by scheduling a consultation with us at Orange Blossom Women’s Group in Trinity. Contact us today to book your appointment.