BioTE Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Orange Blossom Aesthetics is a proud partner of BioTE, offering bioidentical hormone therapy to improve the overall health and well-being of our patients.
Your hormones are one of the most important regulatory systems that exist in your body. Hormones act as messengers controlled by your brain and interact with specific target cells and organs to provoke a change or result. As hormone production changes, imbalances can occur.
Unbalanced hormones have a variety of side effects and symptoms. Immune function falters, putting you at greater risk of illness and disease. This can affect your metabolism, joints, brain, heart, breasts, and more.
Symptoms of unbalanced hormones can include:
- Fatigue
- Stress and Irritability
- Poor Sleep
- Night Sweats
- Low Mood
- Brain Fog
- Low Libido
- Anxiety/Depression
- Decrease in Muscle Mass
- Inability to Orgasm/Vaginal Dryness
- Hot Flashes/Night Sweats
- Heart Palpitations
Balancing and optimizing your hormones with BioTe pellet therapy is a solution for improving (often, eliminating) symptoms within a few weeks to 6 months.
Medications testosterone and estradiol in the form of small subcutaneous implants (pellets) are inserted below the skin of the upper buttock/hip area during a quick in-office treatment. For the following months, these medications release a small, consistent dose based on your own cardiac output, to achieve an optimized, balanced state. Female patients are treated every 3-4 months (on average), and male patients every 4.5-6 months.
To begin, labwork and medical history is collected. During your initial consultation, these are reviewed, all of your questions are answered regarding what to expect, and treatment/dosing is recommended.