Reveal Beautiful Skin With Facial Peels
Our skin surface is actually created within the dermal layer, and this epidermal tissue eventually replaces what is currently on the surface. Accelerating this process can result in smoother, wrinkle-free, and evenly toned skin. Facial peels accomplish this by safely removing the epidermis and stimulating the body to quickly create new skin cells.
Various types of chemical peel treatments are performed, and each treatment is chosen by the provider based on the current condition of the epidermis and the client’s outcome expectations. All of the treatment types are minimally-invasive and result in clearer, smoother, and more youthful-appearing skin.
Types of Facial Peels
With the simplest type of peel treatment, a mild acid is applied to your skin surface and allowed to set for a few minutes. The acid doesn’t penetrate very far into the skin. After it’s washed off, your face is washed thoroughly using a special solvent. Over the next few days, the epidermal layer, permanently damaged by the acid, dries up and flakes off.
Quite rapidly, the body produces replacement cells. These quickly move to the surface to form the new epidermal layer. This layer of cells is generally much healthier than what it replaced.
Medium-depth facial peels are performed similarly, but the acid used is stronger and is allowed to set on the skin for a longer period of time. This results in the removal of the upper dermal layer as well as the epidermis. This type of peel treatment targets near-surface scarring as well as superficial age spots and other forms of hyperpigmentation.
A deep peel treatment is only recommended if you’re suffering from extremely damaged skin due to sun exposure, or if you have very deep scarring located in the lower dermal layers. The results of a deep peel are quite dramatic, with positive results often lasting for several years.
Which Treatment Is Right for You?
You want your skin to present a more youthful appearance, meaning a smoother, more evenly toned surface. When we consult with you, we’ll outline each type of chemical peel treatment in detail and let you know what you can expect in terms of positive results.
Until recently, peel treatments were not recommended for those with dark skin tone, but today’s advanced methods make this type of skin rejuvenation procedure much safer regardless of the amount of melanin in your skin. All of this is explained in detail when you consult with us.
Get more information about the various facial peels available at Orange Blossom Women’s Group and how they can help you reveal the beautiful skin you enjoyed when you were younger. We are conveniently located in Trinity, FL. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!