What are the Best Sunspot Removal Treatments?
Sunspots are due to excess melanin production as a result of exposure to the sun. These are flat brown spots become more noticeable as we age and cause no harm, but no one wants to see them on our face and body.
This is how we can get rid of them.
Chemical Peels
A series of chemical peels will remove the outermost layer of damage, dead skin cells and will begin to produce collagen and elastin. Your skin will react by shedding the damaged cells to allow for new healthier skin. Depending on the severity of skin damage, several peels may be required over several months.
Ask our expert Aesthetician for additinal information on products that can be used at home for additional treatment and prevention, including a medical grade sunscreen.
BBL (Broad Band Light)
This treatment can be perfomred on all body areas, such as face, neck, chest, arms and hands. BBL is a treatment that works to rejuventate the skin by allowing skin cell turnover and new collagen production. On dark spots, this treatment reduces the unnecesasry melanin that produces excess pigment. BBL treats only pigment, rather than the surrounding skin. Patients experience a fast, effective treatment with minumal downtime and is FDA-Approved for correcting dark spots.
Our expertly trained Nurse Practitioners can provide more information during your complimentary consulation.