What is a Women’s Annual Exam?
Every year, you should be scheduling an annual examination with a medical provider. This is a chance to ensure that your body is healthy overall, that your laboratory values are correct, that you are feeling well and that all of your health-related questions are answered. If you are not familiar with the annual medical examination, here is some information to tell you the basics about what will happen and to show you how important getting this examination scheduled really is. The women’s annual exam should be started by the time a girl is 15 and should continue for the rest of her life. As you get older, additional laboratory measurements, diagnostics and screenings will be performed.
The main part of the annual examination is the physical assessment. However, there are many other parts to the examination based on how old you are. Depending on your age, you will have a blood pressure screening, PAP smear, mammogram, vaccinations and cancer screening.
No matter what your age is, an honest discussion should always be a part of the examination. You may want to discuss birth control or preconception care. You may have concerns about sex, your period, your weight or your mood that are weighing heavily on your mind. Our team is at the ready to answer any and all questions during a women’s annual exam.
This examination is not just something you should do because your mother always did it or because you feel shamed into doing it by your primary care doctor. Instead, an annual examination will give you the knowledge and tools that you need to lead a healthy life for the rest of the year and to discover any physical or mental problems that could become more concerning if they are not caught early.
A women’s annual exam can actually be lifesaving. It could be during one of these assessments that we discover a heart abnormality or some other problem that could lead to a life-threatening illness if not addressed immediately. This is something that should be done every year without fail.
Your women’s annual exam should be a time when you can honestly discuss any concerns that you have about your body with our doctor. Keep up with your health and wellness by scheduling an annual examination with us at Orange Blossom Women’s Group sooner rather than later. Contact our office in Trinity today to schedule an appointment.